Thursday, December 30, 2010


There is a feature in the game banjang, as well as have the techniques that turn off lockdown, benjang have a unique and clever techniques or in certain circumstances can also be said in terms of cunning martial arts, for example in mulung technique is if the opponent will be dropped down, then when position above, the opponent that the lift had to quickly change the position by ngabeulit foot fishing opponent for the drop will follow the direction imposed, so that elevates its position reversed to below after that had raised direct to lock his opponent does not move.
According to the opinion of one of the elders who lived in the village benjang Cibolerang Cinunuk Bandung, that the name benjang already known by the public since 1820, benjang famous figure at that time, among others, H. Hayat and Wiranta. Then he explained the origin is from the village benjang Ciwaru Ujungberung, there is also a mention of Cibolerang Cinunuk, was second this area until now is a gathering place benjang figures, they try to maintain for benjang remain and sustainable, the current figure benjang which still exist, among others Adung, Adang, Ujang Rukman, Nadi, Emun, and there's more that any other figure who has not been the author noted.

As we know that our beloved country is rich with culture and art district. This is evident each region has its own art (typical), such as benjang is one of the traditional cultural arts of West Java, especially in Bandung Regency in the area of another party and it turns out there is a kind of traditional cultural arts benjang, such as in Aceh called Gedou - gedou, in Tapanuli (North Sumatra) is called Marsurangut, in the Apex area called the Atoll, in the East Java region called Patol, in an area called Bahempas Banjarmasin, in the Bugis / Sulsel called Sirroto, and in West Java called Benjang.
Benjang is a form of traditional games that are categorized as types of folk performances. The game is growing (living) around the District Ujungberung, Cibolerang, and Cinunuk the beginning of this art comes from boarding school, which is a kind of traditional art bernapaskan religious (Islamic), connected with religion, benjang can be used as a medium or tool to get closer to Kholiqnya because before the show, players benjang always carry out the procedure by reading a prayer - pray for the survivors in benjang show no interference. The tools used in benjang consist of Flying, drum (drum), Pingprung, Kempring, kempul, kecrek, trumpet (Tarompet), and also equipped with drum and song sunda.

From boarding school, this art spread to people in the community are usually held within 40 days of ceremonies to commemorate the birth of a baby, thanksgiving rice harvest, the prophet's birthday, ritual circumcision, marriage, and other entertainment, and can also accompany the motion to be on the so-called "DOGONG" .
Dogong is a game to encourage each other by using a pestle (wooden pestle rice). From Dogong evolved into "SEREDAN" which means pressing each game without tools, which lost out of the arena (field), then from Seredan turned into fighting back, is still urging each other to push the opponent out of the arena game without tools, memdorong opponent with shoulder, is not allowed to use hands, because in this game violations often occur, especially when the player is almost pushed out of the arena. With the frequent violation is done then the game was replaced by fighting back fighting game munding.

Benjang game is actually an outgrowth of adu adu munding or buffalo which is more directed to the game of wrestling with chokes opponent movement (light socket). While the race did not munding menyerat - menyerat opponent out of the arena but encouraging in a way bent (crawl) urged his opponent with a head like munding (buffalo) fight. But the movement fighting back, or fighting someone munding remain a force in the game benjang. Munding fighting game using the head to urge opponents, felt very dangerous, that style is now rarely used in the show benjang. Participants benjang game until now only played by men, especially teenagers (single), but for people aged lanjutpun have allowed the origin of courage and hobbies.
If we compare the development of ancient times to the present benjang in principle there is no such striking differences, just matches benjang ancient times, when players enter the arena benjang usually like to show ibingan with wearing a sarong while accompanied by distinctive traditional music, then after dealing with the enemy they opened their sarongs, following which she was wearing underwear on stage, the only remaining shorts only signify him clean, do not bring a tool (sportsmanship). After that, drummers musical instruments benjang tabuhannya vigorously rang the rhythm Bamplang (padungdung sort of martial arts in the rhythm), then after hearing the music began the match benjang, in this game because there is no referee may be among the players there is a cunning or cheating that could result in injury to his opponent. If there is a player benjang his position was under the game should be dismissed because his opponent has given up. However, because no one leading the game (referee) at last opponent could not be locked until a show of hands, which means his opponent playing dirty, if players are cheating benjang was caught by parties who feel aggrieved will cause noise (chaos), mainly from the audience, but if the players benjang it compete with the clean and sporty then the losers will accept it despite injury, because the previous games already know the rules benjang if one is injured there will be no charges. A player benjang declared lost after being under the supine position, seeing a sign like that immediately dismiss the match referee and the opponent who had lost the back (now). Match benjang like ancient times is not done anymore, because now there are referees who led the match, and performed on stage wearing a kind of mattress pads that are not so dangerous player benjang (handyman benjang).


While the techniques and theory benjang from ancient times until today remains the same unchanged, techniques and theory commonly held by benjang benjang carpenters, among others:
1. Nyentok (pounding) heads
2. Ngabeulit
a. Beulit Gigir,
b. Beulit Hareup,
c. Beulit Hyacinths,
3. Dobelson
4. Dead ankle
5. Lift
6. Dengkekan
7. Hapsay (ngagebot), etc.

In the show benjang in society, the number of members of the group of players benjang ranged from 20 to 25 people consisting of one leader benjang, 9 drummers, and the rest as a player. The core of this benjang group consisting of 15 persons 9 persons drummers, 1 leader, 4 players, and 1 referee.
Although benjang say quiet but there are some people benjang players who tried to jump into the sport of wrestling and they managed to become champions, among them:

1. Adang Judge, the year 1967 - 1988 Village of origin Cinunuk
2. Abdul Gani, the year 1969 - 1970 Village of origin Ciporeat
3. Emun, year 1974 - 1977 Village of origin Cinunuk
4. Ii, year 1978 - 1979 Village of origin Cinunuk
5. Taufik Ramdani 1979 - 1988 Village of origin Cinunuk
6. Asep Burhanudin in 2000 from the Village Cinunuk
7. Tohidin, in 2000 from the Village Cinunuk categories of children
There was an interesting experience of Adang Judge, that he had beaten by several young men who are not known, they suddenly attacked the use punches and kicks, Adang judge calmly and confidently be able to save themselves by using a technique dings, so that the young man does not serve and the others fled scared slam as his friend. Benjang technique which he has been involved with, it can be used to membeladiri in the open, not only in the arena match. "Ingredients" that a player benjang should always get closer to Almighty God for ourselves we survive wherever located and in addition the player should always remember benjang benjang motto is "do not be cocky with victory, and do not be sad when suffered defeat."

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Wrestling is a physical contact between two people, where one of his wrestlers have to drop or can control their enemies. Physical techniques are shown in wrestling is a joint lock, Clinch fighting, Grappling hold, and Leverage.

This technique can cause serious injury. Many styles of wrestling are known to the world and has a long history, and sport wrestling Olympic sport has become more than 100 years.

Sunday, December 26, 2010



Ginga is a basic movement of capoeira (a horse - horse lainnya.Ginga in martial arts started from a position parallel, namely a position such as sitting without a chair, then pull your left leg backward, along with the right hand forward, repeat with a parallel position and then pull the right foot backward and left hand and hold it until kedepan.Ulangi not awkward anymore melakukannya.Perlu mind, that the hands and feet simultaneously digerkan have different directions (right hand then left foot, then left hand then right leg). Ginga many variations, forward this article I further about the variations in movement and about the philosophy Ginga Capoeira Roda. "MUITO, MUITO Obrigado, Camara!" Contra Mestre Edinho (Santa Maria de Grupo Indonesia).

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Capoeira is a martial art developed by African slaves in Brazil around the year 1500's. Dance-like movements in capoeira and dotted heavily on kicks. The fight in capoeira is usually accompanied by music and called Jogo. Capoeira is often criticized because many people doubted its worth in real combat, compared to other martial arts such as karate or taekwondo.

Capoeira is a traditional martial system founded in Brazil by African slaves brought by the Portuguese to Brazil to work on large plantations. In ancient times they were put through exercises to the accompaniment of traditional musical instruments, such as the berimbau (a wooden arch with strings that has been hit with a small timber for menggetarkannya) and atabaque (large drum), and is also easier for them to hide the practice them in various activities such as pleasure in the feast made by the slaves at their residence named senzala. When an escaped slave he will be chased by a "hunter" named professional armed capitães-do-Mato (captain forest). Usually capoeira is the only martial arts used by slaves to defend themselves. The fight they usually occur in the field in the forest in Tupi-Guarani language (one of the indigenous languages in Brazil), called CAA-puêra - some historians argue that this is the origin of the name of the martial arts. Those who had fled villages gather in the fenced named quilombo, in places difficult to reach. Quilombo Palmares of the most important thing is that where the population never reached totaling ten thousand and last until approximately sixty years against the powers that want to invade them. 

 Chairman of the their most popular named Zumbi. When the law to eliminate slavery emerged and Brazil began to import workers white workers from countries such as Portugal, Spain and Italy to work in agriculture, many negroes had to migrate to cities to live, and because many of those who do not have a job started to become criminals. Capoeira, which had become an urban and began to learn by white people, in cities like Rio de Janeiro, Salvador da Bahia and Recife, began to be viewed by the public as a game of criminals and street people, the law appears to prohibit Capoeira. It seems at this time that they start using a razor in a fight, this is the influence of capoeira player who comes from Portugal and sing the Fado (traditional Portuguese music that is similar to keroncong). At that time also some sectors of the elite Brazilian racist shouting against the influence of African culture in the country, and wanted to "whiten" their country. After about half a century in a clandestine, and people mepelajarinya hidden in the streets and in the pages behind the house, Manuel dos Reis Machado, the Master (Mestre) Bimba, held a show for the Getúlio Vargas, president of Brazil at the time it, and this is a new beginning for capoeira. Starting established academies, that the public can learn capoeira game. The names of the most important at that time was Vicente Ferreira Pastinha (The Teacher Pastinha), who teaches the school of "Angola", a very traditional, and Mestre Bimba, who founded the flow with some innovations that he called the "Regional".

Since that time until the present capoeira through a long journey. Today capoeira studied almost all over the world, from Portugal to Norway, the United States to Australia, from Indonesia to Japan. In Indonesia capoeira already known to many people, in addition to an existing group in Yogyakarta, also there are some groups in Jakarta. Many players who are interested in learning capoeira because the environment is so relaxed and happy, is not the same harsh discipline that is usually contained in the system of martial arts from the East. As once said by a great writer Jorge Amado of Brazil, this "battle of the most beautiful in the whole world, because this is also a dance." In capoeira basic movement techniques starting from "Ginga" and not from the stop position which is characteristic of karate, taekwondo, martial arts, wushu kung fu, etc ...; Ginga body movements are ongoing and aims to find the right time to attack or defend themselves, who are often shy away from attacks. In the wheel of capoeira players to test themselves, pass the game match, in the middle of the circle made by the players of music with African musical instruments and sing various songs, and other players clapped and sang the chorus. Lyrics to the songs of the history of arts, professor at the time of past and present, about life during slavery, and resistance to achieve independence. Style of playing music have different rhythms for a variety of games capoeira, there is a slow and some are fast.

Capoeira is not just become a culture, but also a national sport in Brazil, and the teachers from that country to make capoeira becomes continuously more international, teaching in student groups, a variety of fitness centers, small organizations, etc.. Their students learn to sing the songs of Capoeira with Portuguese language - "Capoeira é pre Homi, / mininu e mulhé ..." (Capoeira for men, / the children and women).
In Indonesia, the same as in other countries, the possibility of Capoeira will be growing.

Some movement in Capoeira:

1. Ginga
2. Handstand
3. Backflip
4. Headspin
5. Whirling Handstand

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Many universities or private offering training in energy. But not many of those who understand the history of power in itself. Indeed, the development of power in Indonesia is not balanced concern in tracking the origin, who the leaders who created and developed. Even most of the college was trying to hide the history from which the founders of the college's learning. There is also a history teacher who intentionally fabricate a story like that in-dramatize to jack up the name and the "turnover of sales" perguruannya.
Here are our findings on observation and tracing the history of Power in Indonesia.
Power in (Indonesian version) is identical with the science that is able to block the opponent in a state of anger / emotions from a distance. Typically, this type of martial arts though dug through breathing, stance and pengejangan on certain body parts (chest / abdomen). Sometimes also accompanied by spiritual teachings.
The development of power in Indonesia's history marred by 4 significant figures. Namely Muhammad Toha founder Sin Lam Ba (Jakarta), founder Anandinata Margaluyu (Bandung), H Abdul Rashid founder Holy Budi (Bogor) and founder of Tri Nampon Flavor (Bandung).
In the late 19th century in power has begun to be studied in a limited but just out of the "cage" was in 1932 when Nampon nyleneh activity in front of the station Padalarang. So joy to welcome the birth of her first child, outside of consciousness Nampon screaming like a madman. Since it is considered crazy, Nampon want to arrest a gang. But of the many people who will touch his body fell terpelating.
Nampon born in Ciamis in 1888 and died in 1962. Originally an employee in the railway service in the Dutch era. He was sacked and repeatedly to jail for his anti-colonial Dutch. Among the meritorious students participate Nampon develop inner power is Faithful Muchlis and KM Tamim who later founded the college that many followed TRI TASTE among students in Bandung, among students it is the Bung Karno and M Natsir.
From Nampon
According to the old warrior in the region of West Java, before introducing "power stance in" Nampon many warriors learn science from a more senior. He has studied martial arts at Abah Khoir Cimande creator, and the warrior-warrior from Batavia include Bang Madi, Kari Bang, Bang H Ma'ruf also Qosim warrior who was exiled royal Ruyung Fences, Padang because it teaches martial arts outside the kingdom.
Now when the power in the mushrooming universities in almost every city with a different flag (although pattern similar stance and by the breath), then the question arises, where it comes from power in science and who the character was first created it?
Sidik, a disciple of the founder of the flow of H Abdul Rosyid Budi many Saints who spread this flow in Java and Sumatra, in 1985 said that the stance of them colored and Nampon Khoir scientific Abah. So it is with a lot of flow developed in Central Java, such as Ragajati in Banyumas, JSP (Kick Art Penyadar) in Tegal and multiple streams of Semarang.
Joses were Siswoyo Professor Karima Bandar Bandung flow when confirmed, indicated that the emergence of power in the region of West Java openly Nampon do occur in the home from prison Digul.
However Joses were not brave stance of the creator to ensure that Nampon one, considering that at about the same time, in Batavia / Jakarta also show the flow of Sin Lam Ba and Al-Hikmah, even in the same time, in the area of Bandung Andadinata Engkek Ranch raises energy science results in the claimed original own thoughts.
Andadinata flow is then known by the name Marga Rahayu but later changed to Margaluyu and began to be introduced to the public in 1932, but in 1922 the flow had been introduced in a limited scope.
Anandinata said to have several students, including Dan Suwaryana, ASRI lecturers who are also reporters in Yogyakarta. From this Suwaryana And then "broken" (developing) more than 17 personnel in major universities are now based in the city warm, Yogyakarta, including Prana Sakti developed Aspanuddin Panjaitan.
According to various parties who can be trusted, the college which was inspired by the Prana Sakti, including: Prana Sakti Indonesia, Prana Sakti Jayakarta, Satria Nusantara, Perdawa Padma, Radiation Power Within, Kalimasada, Flower of Islam, Al-Barokah, Indonesia Perkasa, Ray White, Al-Barokah, Al-Ikhlas, etc..
The Guardian
That said, science is on it's own Margaluyu genealogy of the Guardians in the land of Java, which if that is from Sheikh Datul diruntut Kahf - King Indiana Jones / P. Cakrabuana (After converting to Islam known as Sunan Rahmat Holy Godong Garut) and then to: Sunan Gunung Jati and of his descent into Anandinata.
Until now the history of the mystery, the character who first made him. The pinesepuh also do not have strong references associated with the history of college and originators.
From the Holy Budi or college that takes the source of the stream which was founded H Abdul Rosyid this at least there are 3 character name that was mentioned in the "ritual" that is Madi, Kari and Syahbandar (or called Subandari, but the real name H Qosim).
About the name of Madi, Kari and Syahbandar as mentioned above, there are many scholarly Nampon coloring, but it is more physical science, because the record "tempo doeloe" Madi and Kari have not introduced the martial techniques in power (long-distance punch.)
Both Madi, Kari and Syahbandar warriors known as silat (physical) of his time. H. Qosim which became known as Syahbandar or Mama 'Subadar since lived and widely respected Subadar village in Cianjur region. While Madi known as the seller and the tamer of wild horses imported from Europe.
In the world of martial Madi known expert on the elbow break opponent with Jutsu gilesnya, while Kari native warriors known as the Citadel FC who also mastered kung fu moves and technical experts in fallout.
In the era Syahbandar, Kari and Madi many warriors from various schools gathered. Batavia was as a central barter martial arts from various schools, ranging from Padang silat, martial arts kung fu style combination Betawi Bang Kari, also carried by the flow Cimande Khoir.
From a scientific Holy Budi flow is said to originate from Khoir and Nampon, also did not dare to claim that power in it comes (only) from a Nampon. As soon as the circle which takes the source of Margaluyu.
Budi among the Saints, analyze that Namponlah that should be considered as a creator, because in the ritual (wirid), the names are called Madi, Kari and Syahbandar (Sheikh Subandari), whereas Nampon name was not mentioned. This suggests that the inspiration came from science before Nampon figures, although Nampon which then summarize and refine them. But the conclusion is questionable given the warriors during Madi, Kari, this Sahbandar power in not yet known.
Evidently, in an event when Madi was attacked also broke wild horses hooves to parry his hand, and teachers from Nampon Khoir when fighting with Kung Fu warriors, also use a scarf to tie his opponent to the nut trees. That is, if the power in that already exist, and those that are experts, why should all wear scarves? Why not use the "key moment" for Kung Fu warriors can not be moved.
Indeed the use of force in the new era of Nampon recorded in the 1930's. The case of "hysterical" when welcoming the birth of her son in front of the station Padalarang, and fight with Jawara Banten Nampon also currently serves challenge Thamim KM who (after losing) and then sit him.
Joses were Siswoyo (63) from Bandar Karima Silat (an extension of the Syahbandar, Kari and Madi) included among the warriors of the older generation in Bandung is also acknowledged from the martial arts education and energy conservation is less Socializing in perguruannya history.
Although Joses were called Nampon and Andadinata as the man who contributed much to introduce the power in the region of West Java, but the emergence of Sin Lam Ba and Al-Hikmah in Batavia at about the same time period, (even pointed out earlier) also need to be considered for those who want to track history.
About Sin Lam Ba, H Ahmad Harun, student Muhammad Toha professor Sin Lam Ba - Jakarta, the author explains that in 1896 Bang pollicis Toha also a member of the Dutch period was found in a power stance of H Odo a kiai from Pesantren in Cikampek , West Java, while the Al-Hikmah developed by Abah Zaki Abdul Gratitude is also sourced from Bang Toha even in early times commenced perguruannya, had joined under the banner of Sin Lam Ba. However, when H Harun Ahmad was asked about where to get Odo H science, he can not explain it.
H Aaron just explained, the flow of power in the now turned into a name that many and diverse, it used to be "Science Without a Name", which later developed originators a way to adopt or mixing of various schools have ever learned.
Start Changed Functions
Tracking the historical development of power in at least can be traced from the history of the founding of the flow of power in the "old" namely:
M. 1896 meeting Toha with H. Odo on the tragic last stand of Sin Lam Ba flow in Jakarta.
1922 Andadinata started to introduce a limited basis in the local labor stance Engkek Ranch, Bandung. From Andadinata then appear Margaluyu flow.
1932 Tri Nampon establish flow Rasa in Bandung and H. Abdul Rosyid founded the Holy Budi flow in Bogor.
Search while the historical development of college personnel in more fixed on the region of West Java and Batavia as the birthplace of the flow of power within.
Nampon patterned flow spread to Central Java through college Ragajati, JSP (penyadar arts moves) and several unnamed streams.
Sin Lam Ba more developed in the Jakarta area, while the Al-Hikmah entry through the pesantren in Central Java Bamboo Parakan Runcing in Waterford. Saints, founded Budi H. Abdul Rosyid in Bogor select development in coastal areas north eastwards from Jakarta, Bekasi, Karawang, Cikampek, Kuningan, Indramayu and Cirebon, Semarang, Rembang and in 1983 in Cluwak, North Pati. While Margaluyu actually thrive in the region of Yogyakarta, although teachers are learning from this flow and then replace the college with a new name.
In subsequent years, the development of appropriate college personnel in MLM (Multi Level Marketing). Someone who is studying at a college chooses to establish a new university based on personal taste. This is a natural phenomenon that does not need dimasalahkan, because every teacher or anyone who feels able to teach science to others that do not necessarily agree with the existing tradition in college who never participated.
Consideration of changing the name of the college was motivated by things that are very complex, began a pattern of disagreement between the ancients thought that the mystical and the modernists who consider the scientific purity and doctrinal camps, in addition to consideration of the commercial side. To be sure, the mission of studying power in the society now has begun to change from initially oriented to the science of magic to the physical motion (sports) because people now regard the opponent's actual weight is a disease. Therefore, more education campaigns to exploit the ability to treat oneself and others.
The flow of power in college who are now more interested in exploiting the magic of traditional society. And according to the writer's observation, this college was often "troubled" because the pattern of development that leads adherents to the attitude of "kejawaraan" through the doctrines that are less friendly to the other stream of fellow college and martial power in from outside (foreign).
This attitude is actually contrary to the attitude of the characters like Bang Kari who always warned-warned for anyone who practice martial arts to always take "attitude 5" namely: 1. Do not be quickly satisfied. 2. Do not like to show off. 3. Do not feel most good. 4. Do not like to seek praise and 5. Do not hurt others.
And keep in mind, the development of martial arts as a basis of power within it, both actors and their knowledge to develop because the relationship between the characters, ranging from martial arts that brought Fence Ruyung Padang H Qosim (Syahbandar), Bang Bang Kari and Madi that summarizes silat Betawi Kung Fu, also Abah Khoir with Cimandenya, RH. Ibrahim with Cikalongnya.
Physical Rangkapan
Each university personnel in providing its own contribution to the people of Indonesia. Margaluyu incised gold ink as a lot of old school inspired most of the universities in Indonesia, and the branches of this college contributed to the development of many in the scientific and universal.
Sin Lam Ba, Al-Hikmah, Silat Tauhid Indonesia instrumental in providing religious breath for its participants, and the flow Nampon instrumental in giving spirit of the fighters in the era of independence.
Apart from the positive side of large streams, the development of energy flow in the mode of development is still choosing martial arts and supernatural powers that it received criticism from his predecessors.
In 1984, Alm. Sidik Abdul Rosyid pupil of H during a visit to the region north and watch the manner Pati betarung (demonstration) of a college "fraction" of the Holy Budi, lamented why the majority of college students had already left the force in martial arts techniques (physical) as the basic power within.
That is, when attacked they tend to be silent and only harden the chest / stomach. This habit of thought one day become a boomerang when I had to face a fight outside the training arena. Because in practice only with "silent" alone is capable mementalkan attacker to give the impression that using force in that easy.
They do not realize that in a fight outside the training arena, the atmosphere is different. In the training arena are facing their own friends who have been trained in creating the emotion (anger).
How to defend yourself in the correct use of power according to Alm. Sidik was exemplified by Nampon when challenged current champion of Banten and will try its miracle by KM Tamim. That is, initially relented and tried to avoid but when the opponent was forced to attack, just serviced with physical martial arts stance, dodge, parry and when deemed appropriate provoke anger with a mild slap and after attackers emotion, just use the power within.
Pattern formation martial incomplete that only focus on the inner side only, often backfire for those who already feel a force in making it too believes that somehow the form of attacks, enough with the silent (only) the attacker must be mental. And when they face real danger, it was not as easy to use power in the time practicing with friends seperguruannya.
The phenomenon of formation which pieces can not be separated from the limitations of some teachers who are generally only ever "stopped" at the college personnel inside. Sidik acknowledge many people who studied at Holy Budi capital only "basic steps" have been many who dare to open new colleges. Whereas in the Holy Budi moment there are 3 stages. Namely, Basic Jutsu - love match and Flower Jutsu Jutsu (ibingan).
Because in a hurry to open a new stream that causes the students are often not ready when it must use force. And Joses were Siswoyo from Bandar Karima give the concept that success in harnessing determined from the principle of "min-plus" which means: Let the people mean-spirited (angry), I chose to stay and wait.
Therefore, physical training, physical self-defense techniques, technique, flexibility, reflexes and mental health needs to be fought first because harness failure is caused in more mentally prepared so that people who do not remember a moment in power after the fight was already over.
Based on observation, the power in it works well when the owner "accidentally" and forced to endure from people who intend to attack evil. And energy to it often fails even when the power in the previously prepared to "fight" and would be a total failure if the power in it is used to find the problem.
Workers in need is defensive or survival. Let people angry and still persist with patience and do not have to keep up anger. For if the owner of the balance of anger, then the formula becomes "see plus plus" that causes the energy it does not work. And in this Holy Budi describes the concept of "min - plus" it with the attitude of letting the opponent "favor" (move / anger) and still maintain the "sacred" (patient, calm).
Position themselves to survive (patient) is very determined level of mental maturity. And in those days Nampon and H Abdul Rosyid, the power in many works because it is held by a warrior who has been trained to defend themselves physically (cocks) so that the face of the attacker remains mentally awake.
Now everything has changed. People learn to labor in the already convinced that the attack so your opponent can not touch physically not prepared to avoid or collide. And because it was not trained when physical contact, which appears precisely offset the fear or even anger to get out of the concept of "min-plus".
Power In the northern
Energy development in the areas of ex Karisedenan Starch inseparable from the role of universities under the care of late Satya. Suharto - Semarang.
Satya Pati originally developed in the region carried by the student named Suharto Jepara Subiyanto origin. But then create a university Mustika Subiyanto. Although this college not only emerged a moment later heard from again.
At the end of the 70s Satya entrance area with shades of Starch was then considered taboo for practicing in the open at noon. This is different from other streams who choose to practice clandestinely.
Satya is more easily accepted by society because it is open, more njawani and do not shelter under a certain political party even accept members of all religions, although the ritual is not much different Satya Budi Sacred flow developed by Bang Ali who was also a lot of developing in Java middle.
The similarity Satya Budi Holy caused by alm. Suharto knew in that moment power came from Joseph in Tanjung Pinang, and Joseph was a disciple of late. Sidik, one of the disciples of the founder of H Abdul Rosyid Holy Budi flow.
Within the scope pergruannya, Suharto almost never mention the name of Joseph as the teacher. This caused a very personal matter relating to the teacher that citizen's descendants. Precisely Suharto more often mention the name Sidik, although both were new meeting place beginning in the 80s.
While some of Satya in Sirahan board, Cluwak managed to find Sidik in Cilincing, North Jakarta, and then trafficked to continue coaching from members of the Satya that it was passive from the various college activities.
Attendance Sidik to Sirahan like to continue advanced studies that are not on the curriculum Satya. In addition to updating the basic stance is also continuing on the material and Flower Jutsu Jutsu Jodoh creation by the founder Cimande Khoir Abah and some have been composed by H Abdul Rosyid.
The history of power in the need to be known by those who follow the energy flow within. Ignorance of history that can lead someone to be nuts not forget the skin, even bring up the "spiritual anecdote" as did a teacher because of the power in which students were asked and he does not have an answer and then explain that the people featured in the school with a silly answer -exist.
For example, Saman is a sheikh of Yemen, Madi referred to as the Imam Mahdi, Kari is the Imam Buchori, Subandari is Sheikh Isbandari. And an answer like that has no basis and is said only based on the old man said simply.