According to the Zen-Nippon Karate Renmei / Japan Karate Federation (JKF) and the World Karate Federation (WKF), which is regarded as a major karate styles are:
> Shotokan
> Goju-Ryu
> Shito-Ryu
> Wado-Ryu
The fourth stream is recognized as a major Karate style because it participates in the formation of JKF and WKF.
But the style of karate in the world's leading not only the four forces above it all. Several large streams such as Kyokushin, Shorin-ryu and Uechi-ryu spread to many countries in the world and is known as a famous Karate flow, although not included in the "big 4 WKF".
In Japan, sports umbrella organization that is JKF Karate throughout Japan. The organization that embodies the whole world is Karate WKF (formerly known as WUKO - World Union of Karate Organizations). There is also ITKF (International Traditional Karate Federation) that embodies a traditional karate. The function of JKF and WKF Karate is primarily to confirm that is "without direct contact", in contrast to the flow of Kyokushin or Daidojuku that "direct contact".
Karate is divided into three basic exercises like the following:
Kihon, namely practice the basic techniques of karate techniques such as hitting, kicking and parry.
Words, the practice karate moves or flowers.
Kumite, or sparring is sparring practice.
In today's karate can also be divided into the traditional flow and flow of sports. More traditional flow stress and the engineering aspects of martial arts combat sports while more concentrate flow techniques for competitive sports.
Karate Technique
Karate techniques are divided into three main sections: Kihon (basic techniques), kata (moves) and Kumite (fighting). Advanced pupils are also taught to use weapons such as sticks (bo) and ruyung (nunchaku).
Kihon (基本: きほん, Kihon?) Literally means the base or foundation. Kihon Karate practitioners must master well before studying Kata and Kumite.
Kihon training starts from studying the punches and kicks (white belt) and shock (brown belt). On stage or Black Belt, the student has mastered all kihon considered properly.
The word (型: かた) literally means the shape or pattern. Kata in karate is not only a physical or regular aerobic exercise. But it also contains lessons on the principles of fighting. Each word has a rhythm of movement and breathing different.
In a word there, called Bunkai. Bunkai is the application that can be used from the basic movements of kata.
Each stream has a different motion and different names for each word. For example: Shotokan Kata Tekki in the stream known as Shito Ryu Naihanchi in the flow. As a result Bunkai (application of the word) of each flow is also different.
Kumite (组 手: く み て) literally means "meeting of hands'. Kumite performed by advanced students (or more blue belt). But now, there is a dojo that teaches kumite at the beginner level students (yellow belt). Before doing free kumite (jiyu Kumite) that kumite practitioners regulated learning (go hon kumite) or (yakusoku kumite). For sports kumite flow, better known as the Kumite Kumite Shiai or game.
To flow in Japanese Shotokan, kumite is only done by a student who has reached the level and the (black belt). Practitioners are required to be able to keep his punches so as not to injure a friend compete.
For the flow of "direct contact" as Kyokushin, Karate practitioners are accustomed to doing since the belt kumite blue strip. Kyokushin practitioner is allowed to launch a strong kick and punch the opponent's energy to compete.
To flow like a combination of Wado-ryu, the technique consists of a combination of Karate and Jujutsu, the Kumite is divided into two kinds, namely for the preparation Shiai Kumite, who trained only techniques that are allowed in the game, and Goshinjutsu Kumite Kumite or for self-defense, all techniques used, including moves such as dings Jujutsu, locks, and attacking vital points.
Philosophy of Karate
Rakka (the fallen flower)
He is the concept of self-defense or defense in karate. He meant every defense techniques that need to be done with a powerful and steady by using a technique that was enough to defend themselves so that if the technique is likened to that made to the principal, all interest of the principal will mature before fall. For example if someone attacked by mashing the face, the pengamal karate techniques may use the ward. Had the defense was strong and steady enough, he may break the strike's hand. With it no longer makes any subsequent attack was enough to defend themselves.
Mizu No Kokoro (Minda's like water)
This concept meant that for the purpose of self defense, Minda (mind) it is necessary to be kept and trained to keep quiet. If Minda quiet, then it is easy to pengamal martial to evade or deflect an attack. Minda is like water in the lake. When the moon float, we will be able to see the shadow of the moon with the light on a quiet lake. Had to danautersebut dilontar small stones, the moon reflecting in the lake will be blurred.
Karate flow
As mentioned above, there are many schools of Karate in Japan, and some of these streams have entered into Indonesia.
The characteristics and backgrounds of the various schools Karate included in the "big 4 JKF" are as follows:
Shoto is the pen name of Gichin Funakoshi, Kan can be interpreted as building / construction - so it can be translated as university Shotokan Funakoshi. Gichin Funakoshi was a pioneer who brought karate from Okinawa to the science of Japan. Shotokan is a flow accumulation and standardization of various universities in Okinawa karate ever studied by Funakoshi. Adhering to the concept Ichigeki Hissatsu, is a movement to kill the opponent. Shotokan uses a low stance and parry blows and harsh. Inclined linear Shotokan movement / frontal, so that practitioners of Shotokan bold strokes and compete directly with the opponent's defense.
Goju means hard-soft. Flow technique combines hard and soft techniques, and is one of the colleges of traditional karate in Okinawa that has a long history. With the increasing popularity of Japanese Karate (Shotokan after the entry into Japan), Goju flow was brought to Japan by Chojun Miyagi. Miyagi updating many of the techniques of this flow into a stream of Goju-ryu now, so many people who think Chojun Miyagi the founder of Goju-ryu. Adhering to the concept that "the real battle, we should be able to receive and reply to blow". So that Goju-ryu Sanchin exercise or stress on basic breathing, so that its practitioners can deliver a powerful punch and take a hit from the opponent without getting hurt. Goju-ryu use the defense that is circular and meeting fun doing combat.
The flow of Shito-ryu is famous for its expertise to play the WORD, WORD evident from the many streams that are taught in the Shito-ryu, that there are 30 to 40 WORDS, more than any other stream. But that was recorded in the soke / in Japan there are 111 words along with bunkainya. For comparison, has 25 Shotokan, Wado has 17, Goju has 12 WORDS. In the fight, Shito-ryu Karate expert can adjust to the conditions, they can fight like Shotokan in the frontal, as well as meeting with a distance of Goju.
Wado-ryu Karate is unique because the flow is rooted in the martial art of Shindo Yoshin-ryu Jujutsu, a school of Japanese martial arts techniques that have joint locks and throws. So that in addition to teaching Wado-ryu Karate techniques are also taught joint locking techniques and throws / dings Jujutsu. In battle, a Wado-ryu Jujutsu uses principles of energy that is not going to complain in the frontal, more use of the defense that is flowing (not a hard defense), and sometimes using Jujutsu techniques such as dings and leg sweep to knock your opponent. However, in a match Forki and JKF, Wado-ryu practitioners are also able to adjust to the rules and playing without the use of these moves Jujutsu.
Karate streams that are not included in the "big 4 JKF" include:


Karate stream flow is the most widely accepted influences from Chinese martial arts, as creators of the genre, Kanbun Uechi, studied martial arts directly in Fujian province in China. Therefore, the motion of the flow of Uechi-ryu Karate Kung Fu is very similar to the flow of Fujian, especially Baihequan flow (White Stork)
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