Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Pencak Silat Isolated in His Country Alone

SOUND shrill trumpet , plus a booming drum makes warriors more attractive show - jurusnya moves in martial arts martial arts . Feet and hands are seen practicing strapping horses . Occasional shouts and applause the audience to make their action on the mat blue attracted more attention.They are the warriors of eight martial arts college that appear one after another in 2013 in the festival Pencak Silat Indonesia Menggunggat Building , Jln . Pioneer Independence Bandung , Saturday ( 14/9 ) . Proficiency level activities organized Indonesian Pencak Silat Society ( Maspi ) with the theme " Down to Earth and Global Pencak Silat " .

Martial arts is one of Indonesian culture has a very high value . However, over the development period , martial arts increasingly marginalized , even alienated in their own country . Martial arts overshadowed by his Gangnam Style Korean or other cultures who come from outside .Artistic value that was apparent in the martial arts has faded , replaced that upholds the value of sport achievement . Although these conditions are not too wrong , but was judged to have eliminate a long tradition of martial arts martial arts that includes the value of spirituality and philosophy in ." Initially in 1948 , the martial arts is a combination of mental, spiritual , and martial arts as one of the sport is contested in a particular event and is supervised directly by Koni , " said Asep Gurwawan , Chairman MASPI on the sidelines .Asep from experience , people outside are very interested in martial arts since the charge of his art , in addition to the value of philosophy as reflected in his every movement .

"Universities must maintain martial arts traditions that are buried in the martial arts , not to cul dogdog stay Igel , " he explained .Therefore , Indonesian Pencak Silat Association ( IPSI ) should organize events aimed to preserve it . The youth also do not consider the prestige and martial arts as an art that is tacky and old-fashioned ." Have to start again intensified in every school to teach martial arts with music didiringi as repersentasi of art . Do not let our children will have to go to the Netherlands when I want to learn martial arts . Because there they are very antuias studying and preserving the martial arts , " he said .Also teaches martial arts in order to understand how to deal with opponents , instead hurt.


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