Friday, December 27, 2013

Traditional Pencak Silat Martial as a Pure Science

Silat has long been typical to the martial arts techniques , this exercise does not only display but also the rules of martial arts moves in the form of movements and techniques . prejudice to the layman as well as practitioners of other martial arts martial arts know only from the surface it would rate as a refined martial arts motion rambling . Until a martial arts practitioner of foreign (overseas ) kareta commonly studied martial arts , martial arts are not judging that is like a dance that is not effective as a martial art . 

This shows the lack of their respective ideologies silat martial arts , and other assessment is that martial arts is better viewed as a martial art that is capable dipragakan entertainment on the stage where the fighters have memorized the dipragakannya techniques . And indeed beautiful arts moves for the eyes of laymen motion like a dance that is lively, beautiful and does not seem like a hard punch martial arts in general , which reveal the physical strength alone .But do not get me wrong the dance motion a chain of moves that are exhibited to the public in order to learn more about martial arts back was forgotten by all of us , of course, that traditional martial arts lately re- turned through a variety of festivals that took place some time ago .

 When was the setting of the glitter martial Import , traditional martial arts have a powerful martial toy movement , attack and defense as martial technique turns out to be able to knock out an opponent with just a few movements alone . Unfortunately, traditional martial arts are not able to prove prowess in the martial arts arena achievements IPSI because traditional martial arts in general are more stable in a free fight , and unfortunately dipertarungan bebaspun not many fighters that would indicate that silatpun apparently is a powerful martial science . 

Manifold flow of martial arts in the archipelago brings richness in martial arts , so the IPSI which is an agency or official organization or association that embodies college martial arts martial arts in Indonesia divide into 4 sections which can not be separated .4 parts include , Sports , Martial , Arts , Mental and Spiritual . 4 This section is commonly known to be an aspect or content of martial arts that has been formulated with extensive research , to make martial arts as one branch of martial IPSI put through the formulation of sporting achievement in the form of the game , the rules and ensure the safety of the injured athlete .No lag with the art of Silat , which has long been the hallmark of which can not be separated , in addition to an element of art which imaged a high sense of mission that led to martial arts brings a unique addition to pestasi but could not dipasahkan philosophy of martial arts itself.And what about the martial in martial arts , which in fact is a little element of martial arts be forgotten or did not cause the special coaching martial arts martial lose imege as pure and even as if in a fighter gelding with enthusiasm and achievement-oriented college which led to the martial element in martial arts to be a little lost .
 If it is such a traditional martial art that many people would have thought more focus on traditional martial arts are in fact even more storing and maintaining the purity of the activities in the martial arts training . and this can be seen from several streams of traditional martial arts that have been exhumed in trying to abortion .The mention of the traditional martial arts focuses more on perkembagan and organization , because it almost certainly is the whole traditional martial only difference good management makes the more modern martial arts and martial arts is growing rapidly and is present in the family organization is what is sometimes referred to as traditional martial arts curriculum was sometimes there is no way to teaching is still very limited . Staying time how to preserve and prove that martial tradisionalpun able to act as a pioneer of martial arts that can be preserved , because it does have a quirk in the technique . Surely martial tradisionalpun are assets that must be maintained by the nation's youth , and when we can take care of ? .

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