Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Avoid news or story maze of what and how the actual origin of the art method , tactics , and the science of genealogy Persinas ASAD , then we will be a little expose on this blog .Persinas ASAD is a martial arts college that is motivated by multiple streams silat in Indonesia , among others:1 . Cimande flow , which is nicknamed Cimande Dance ConservativeSilat stream coming from the ground Pasundan adopted by ASAD Persinas to enrich arts martial arts in it . The Persinas ASAD acquire knowledge of the martial arts is studied to Mr. H. Ace Rachmat Sutisna .2 . Silat flow Falkirk , which is nicknamed the Lion StrikeSilat from Karawang - West Java is derived from the studied directly to Mr. H. Sulaiman . Not much is known about the martial arts lineage is complete and clear .3 . Silat flow IndramayuIndramayu Silat is also obtained from the studied directly to teachers magnitude , namely Mr. Ahmad . However, as in Silat Falkirk Lion Strike , we did not know exactly trace the genealogy of this martial art .To create art method and moves the current standard , the board of the teacher / coach or formulate Persinas ASAD mix of what they earn . The branch of martial arts that was compiled and collaborated , which subsequently became the basis of the formation of the rules of art , and ASAD Persinas stance that is now standard , are as follows :DANCE Cimande stodgy ( Bogor )1 . Sitting Kelid ( 33 moves )2 . Kelid Standing ( 33 moves )3 . Pepedangan ( 17 moves )4 . Movement Arts / Kembangan :One slap 4.1 ;surfing entertainment / attractions ( figure 8 ) and surfing mass .4.2 slap TwoThree slap 4.3 / Tilu

Silat KARAWANG LION STRIKE ( 7 moves )Silat INDRAMAYU ( 9 moves )Alhamdulillaah , from the lineage of the board groove teacher / coach Persinas ASAD which refers to the Conservative Tari Silat Cimande , making Persinas ASAD also recognized as a member of the Conservative stream of martial Cimande Dance - Bogor , in order to genealogy science - nine , as follows :Grandparent great-grandfather , as the creator of the initial flow of martial arts CimandeRevealed to Grandmother and Grandfather Rangga KhoirGrandmother Rangga derived from the M. Ace Laseha and M. Karta LionsDerived from M. Ace Laseha to one of his children , namely M. Abdul SomadDerived from M. Abdul Somad to H. IdrisDerived from H. Idris to Mrs. Kurnia DedengDerived from the mother to her son Dedeng Kurnia , namely Bp . Ace Sutisna Rachmat , who also serves as Chairman of the Conservative Tari Silat Cimande , Bogor - West JavaDerived from Bp . Ace Rachmat Sutisna to 8 teachers / coaches in the ranks of the NT Persinas ASAD . They are : General Sujatmiko Supriyatna , Bachtiar Ahmad Mukti , Edi Susilo , Sulthon Aulia , Poyo Wiyanto , Yusuf Wibisono , and Antong Samijo .Such is little description of the origins of the art rules , tactics , and pedigree that currently applies in Persinas ASAD . We apologize profusely if there is an error writing the brief description above .

from http://pencaksilat.wordpress.com/2012/02/20/silat-asad/ 

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