Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kick Cangcorang and history part 3 (finish)

Every day clandestinely Ah Nam train his new moves. The students Sholin nobody knew what dilkukan An Nam.

Once, while in the presence of Su prides kepandainnya Sholin disciples suddenly came to see Ah Nam. Thus arose his intention to shame Ah Nam in the presence of the brothers
He did not know if Ah Nam are now much different from the previous one direct hit fall. Su attacked as she let out a laugh Ah Nam cold. But Ah Nam unperturbed at all, even with him easily dodge the attack, then strike back. In one breakthrough course somersaults Su contrived by him.
Pupils - students who are already fed up Sholin on arrogance / conceit Su, cheering - cheering when watching these developments.

Hearing the loud voice shout out, Siau Hui Taysu out. Ah Nam Dilhatnya fallen brother managed to beat the level, using martial arts moves that are not derived from Siau Lim Sie, it makes the preacher surprise. Hui Siuw Tasu directly asked where Ah Nam learn the tricks. Ah Nam frank.
Hi Siuw Taysu who realize intelligence Ah Nam, took her for perfecting tricks Cangcorangnya.
After Ah Nam back to Kwan-tong, he moves disseminate homeland Cangcorangnya in Kowloon. Kick Cangcorang ever exhibited in films such as "Warrior Two" and so forth.
(Tat Go Lunch)

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